Boat Storage in Nanaimo, Vancouver – 17 Expert Tips

To help boats and yachts retain their value it’s important every owner knows the best practices in boat storage. Having a boat is a lot of work. We have compiled a list of expert-recommended tips for storing your boat.


The right boat storage is a major factor in determining how long a boat will last. Below are 17 expert tips and best practices you should try when storing your boat:BOAT STORAGE – VANCOUVER ISLAND

1. Clean your boat

Keeping your boat clean is one of the most basic rules of storage. Even when you are only storing it for a little while, it is imperative that you clean your boat to avoid the build-up of grime. Doing so will also help you avoid staining and moulds from growing.

2. Wax your boat

After cleaning the entirety of your boat, it is a good idea to add protection by covering its body with wax. This will help you avoid rust, especially if the boat will be stored outside.

3. Leave the keys with someone locally

To ensure the safety of your boat, make sure to lock it into the facility and leave the keys with someone you trust.

4. Protect your boat from vermin

Small animals like mice can cause a huge amount of damage to your boat, so it is best to keep them away. To do this, make sure that your boat’s storage facility cannot be easily accessed by these climbers. Never leave ladders, ramps, and other possible passages for these critters to climb onto. You may also want to put a repellent down.

5. Clean out the cabin

Even if it’s just for a short time, clean up the cabin, turn off the fridge and store everything away how you know it should be done.

6. Clean up on deck

Check the sails, mast, line, and fenders before putting your boat into storage. The sails should be dry and properly rolled before being stored inside the boat. The mast should be removed and secured inside the vessel or in a separate storage area. Fenders, lines, and other equipment should be cleaned and dried first before being stowed into storage where there isn’t any sunlight. Never forget to secure any other boating equipment that is to be left on deck.

7. Secure the engine

When securing the engine, empty the fuel tank by running the engine after closing the fuel outlet to prevent the substance from harming its injectors or carburettors. It is also recommended to fog the engine to avoid moisture build-up. The boat’s propellers and motors should also be secured. Remember to remove the propellers and outdrives.

8. Change the engine oil

To prevent engine corrosion, make sure to change the oil and oil filter. To do this, flush out remnants of the old substance with water. Then drain it entirely before adding new oil.

9. Flush the coolant system

The cooling system should be flushed with water. Make sure to replace the antifreeze solution with one that is diluted based on the chemical’s specification to prevent the boat’s engine from freezing and corroding during winter.


10. Use fogging oil

Spraying fogging oil onto the spark plug holes or carburettor can help protect the engine’s moving parts from freezing from extremely cold temperatures during winter. To do this, turn over the engine without starting it and spray the oil while it is still rotating. You may also refer to your manual for the proper use of fogging oil based on the boat engine specifications.

11. Take off the drive belts

Drive belts tend to crack from being kept under tension for extended periods, so make sure to loosen or remove them before you store your boat. This is best done for winter storage.

12. Check over the steering

Grease your steering so that when you want to use your boat the steering will work smoothly.

13. Disconnect the battery

This will prolong the life of your battery. If your storing your boat for long periods of time it is worth recharging it occasionally.

14. Check over your gas

Your tanks should either be completely full or empty. Stabilizers will ensure that you can use the fuel again once you decide to start bring your vessel out.

15. Plug up exhaust holes

Use duct tape to protect the boat from small animals.

16. Take home as much of the interior as possible!

We’re talking electronics and any soft furnishings. The less on the boat the fewer things get damaged from the cold.

17. Cover the boat

Boat covers should be used to prevent the accumulation of dirt, grime, dust, and moisture.

How to choose the best storage for your boat

Choosing where to keep your boat requires thorough consideration:


1. Cost

Boat storage can be an enormous cost so it’s important to look at all the options for the type and size of boat you have.

2. How much do you use your boat?

This factor will help you decide how important it is to have easy access to your boat and whether you are prepared to pay for this convenience.

3. Where do you plan to use your boat?

Are you someone who likes to go to familiar places or is your boat able to be trailered to different places?  If you’re not planning to use your boat for a long period of time it always makes sense to have the boat taken out of the water and put into dry storage.

4. Security

Your boat may not only be your favourite asset, but also your most valuable. Boats represent a significant investment for owners, making it an asset that needs to be protected. In fact, boat dealers provide new boat owners guidelines to avoid damage and theft of their vessel. Dry storage facilities and marinas offer thorough security measures like cameras and patrols. However, you can easily provide the same level of security in the comforts of your home by using a hitch lock when trailering your boat into your garage. Always make it as difficult as possible for someone to get access to your boat.

Come and talk to us about our storage options.

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Stones Boatyard and The Marine Store
104-1840 Stewart Ave Nanaimo, BC, V9S4E6 Canada
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