Mike McGahan – M/V Mavitor

“I hit a rock in my 47 Bayliner going through False Passage in the summer of 2016, damaging my bow and both props. We were taking on water and the bilge pumps were not keeping up. I called the Coast Guard, and they arrived quickly and very professionally escorted me to Nanaimo, they had also called ahead to Stones Boatyard. When we got there the lift was ready and a crew standing by to assist getting the boat lifted out the water.It was a very stressful time for my wife and I. The staff at the boatyard were very helpful in getting us transportation and overnight accommodations. They were very professional assisting in notifying insurance, and preparing an initial repair estimate. We then returned to Seattle, and communications during the repair period were detailed and fair. I felt confident that high quality work was being done.We returned to Naniamo to pick up our boat after being notified the repairs were completed. It had been tested and cleaned. Weather was great and we headed for Friday Harbor. About four hours into the trip I noticed one engine using a bit more fuel, and went into the engine room. It was splashing fuel on the Port engine, so I shut it down. Turned out that the high pressure fuel line sprung a leak by the engine mount. So we spent an extra day in Friday Harbor, and had the fuel line replaced, and engine room cleaned up.Stones Boatyard generously agreed to cover the cost. I am very impressed with the professionalism of Stones Boatyard staff, and I will recommend them for minor or major work.Coincidently, one of our Yacht Club members hit a log in False Passage a little later and ended up at Stones Boatyard too. They also were very favorable about the service.Please feel free to call me 253-631-5473

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Contact Us
Stones Boatyard and The Marine Store
104-1840 Stewart Ave Nanaimo, BC, V9S4E6 Canada
Phone: 1-250-716-9065 Email: info@nanaimoboatyard.ca
© 2025 Nanaimo Boat Yard & Chandlery All rights reserved.